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Do I have to pump when I start breastfeeding?

2021-07-08T10:48:31+10:00July 8th, 2021|Creative Breastfeeding|

I remember sitting with a La Leche League Leader (volunteer breastfeeding counsellor) with my first born baby who was 3 months old at the time. I had a few questions that I was wondering about. One of them being, "Which pump should I buy and when should I buy it?" Looking back on this I [...]


Milk Meg Video: Pumping! How to pump more breastmilk

2019-11-16T17:57:23+10:00February 4th, 2019|Creative Breastfeeding|

Have questions about pumping? In previous blog posts I have written about all things pumping including POWER PUMPING and INCREASING SUPPLY! I have combined all of my pumping information into one little video which can be viewed here. This is video #2 in my "Keep On Boobin' With The Milk Meg" [...]

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