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Sleep Challenges

Why is my friend’s baby sleeping and on a schedule and mine isn’t?!

2020-11-14T14:32:05+10:00November 14th, 2020|Attachment Parenting, Creative Breastfeeding, Sleep Challenges|

So, imagine yourself sitting around a circle with other mothers. And as per usual, the conversation turns to how much our babies are sleeping and how often they are feeding. I'm sure this isn't hard to imagine as it can be a weekly occurrence for many of us! As we sit there we start to [...]


No. You don’t have to leave your child alone and crying to go to sleep.

2020-07-22T13:59:57+10:00July 22nd, 2020|Creative Breastfeeding, Sleep Challenges|

I read an article recently that almost made me cry. It's about a celebrity that is really struggling to get her toddler to sleep. My heart breaks for her for two reasons. Firstly, because I completely understand her exhaustion and wanting her child to sleep. And secondly, because she was given bad advice that she [...]


My baby breastfeeds to sleep…how will I ever be able to leave them?

2019-10-17T14:02:25+10:00October 17th, 2019|Attachment Parenting, Breastfeeding Videos, Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding, Sleep Challenges|

"Will I ever be able to leave my baby?! I'm the only one who can put them to sleep!" I completely understand the anxiety surrounding this. Most of us in the early days can ignore the naysayers who tell us to, "stop creating bad habits" and we happily continue to breastfeed our babies to sleep. [...]


What’s the difference between gentle night-weaning and sleep training?

2019-11-16T17:01:58+10:00June 29th, 2019|Creative Breastfeeding, Sleep Challenges|

Most of us have heard the terms "sleep training" and "self-settling" however far less parents have heard the term, "gentle night-weaning". For those of you who would like an alternative to sleep training though, this is something you might want to hear about! ♥ Gentle night-weaning: Cutting out breastfeeds over-night when your child is developmentally [...]


4 Myths that can derail your breastfeeding journey!

2019-05-13T12:03:57+10:00February 28th, 2019|Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding, Low Supply and Relactation, Sleep Challenges|

I recently had a consultation with someone who has received some very outdated and simply incorrect advice from her health care professionals. Unfortunately what she was told is not uncommon for women to hear and I felt as though it was time for some Milk Meg MYTH BUSTING!!...MYTH #1 Your baby should be able to [...]


When frequent night-waking is not normal. Breastfeeding a baby with sleep apnoea…

2019-06-24T17:08:35+10:00November 6th, 2018|Sleep Challenges|

I am constantly going on about how frequent night-waking (especially for breastfed children) is normal. The biocultural and biological norm. However I do also talk about how there are many different reasons that a baby's night-waking could be deemed "abnormal". Regardless of what is happening culturally around the child or what human babies do naturally, [...]


Your child is not “protesting”…they are crying. The language sleep trainers use and the damage it causes.

2019-05-10T14:09:45+10:00July 14th, 2018|Attachment Parenting, Creative Breastfeeding, Sleep Challenges|

(*Not ALL sleep consultants use this language. If you help parents with sleep and you don't use this language or leave babies to cry then that's great!) If you live in a developed nation and are currently raising children then you are well aware of the obsession we have with [...]


How to be a new breastfeeding mother without losing your shit…

2019-02-01T12:15:06+10:00December 19th, 2017|Attachment Parenting, Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding, Sleep Challenges, Tips to Settle Your Baby|

Often times we feel overwhelmed because we don't know what to expect! We are told 5,694 different ways to do things as a mother and then we're given unrealistic expectations of what babies do. So here IS what to expect with your new breastfed baby... Spend the first few weeks (the first month preferably) just hanging [...]


Why your baby “sleeping longer” might not be so good after all…

2019-09-18T10:47:41+10:00June 7th, 2017|Attachment Parenting, Sleep Challenges, Tips to Settle Your Baby|

Do people keep telling you that your baby needs to have formula so they can "sleep longer"?  A study I read published within the past couple of years stated the following: "Babies Sleep Better In Their Own Rooms After 4 Months, Study Finds" "Babies may sleep longer in their own rooms after 4 months, says new [...]


“So he slept through the night, huh?” A Milk Meg Comic…

2017-07-24T09:36:25+10:00January 16th, 2017|Attachment Parenting, Just For Fun, Sleep Challenges|

I'd love to say this was just a funny little idea I had for one of the comics in my book...but no! This is real life people! So yeah...this really did happen between my husband and I. After a particularly bad night of frequent wake-ups my husband rolled over to me, "So he slept through [...]


Dear American Academy of Pediatrics…why are you telling families to ignore their crying babies?

2017-07-24T09:36:25+10:00December 7th, 2016|Attachment Parenting, Sleep Challenges|

Dear American Academy of Pediatrics, Yesterday I received this message from a woman who follows me on my Facebook page: She then followed with a photo of the handout she received: and I'll highlight one of the parts that she starred (and the thing that jumped out at me immediately)...   This one simple sentence [...]


How the invention of the crib ruined motherhood for us all…

2017-07-24T09:36:26+10:00June 1st, 2016|Attachment Parenting, Sleep Challenges|

Trying to get my first born to sleep in a crib literally made me go crazy. Here I was, a fresh, wrinkle-less young mother...and I was confused. I mean, at some point every baby needs to move to a crib right?! My little firstborn had been sleeping with us in our "family" bed for over a [...]


Why “Feed, Play, Sleep” routines make no sense for a breastfed baby…

2019-05-10T14:22:32+10:00February 29th, 2016|Sleep Challenges|

*Just to clarify, I don't think it makes sense for ANY baby, bottle or breastfed to be on this routine...however it makes even LESS sense for breastfed babies. Also, if you are doing this routine and it's working for you then great! This article isn't for you (although I'd love [...]


9 Reasons you should keep breastfeeding your child to sleep…

2019-11-27T13:37:20+10:00February 17th, 2016|Sleep Challenges|

Post last updated 27/11/19 *Just a little note to start with. When I say, "SHOULD breastfeed to sleep at night." I am not talking about the babies who naturally just don't fall asleep breastfeeding or those who find that it just doesn't work for them. Don't worry, your kid is still normal even if they don't [...]


My baby is not broken…so please fuck off.

2018-10-15T06:36:25+10:00October 7th, 2015|Attachment Parenting, Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Sleep Challenges|

Time and time again I am reminded of why we think our babies are broken. Just yesterday I saw an advertisement in my local newspaper. "Does your child need some help sleeping?" it read. I cringed...I looked at the picture of the beautiful baby sleeping peacefully in his cot. And I was brought back to [...]


What to do when your baby hates to sleep…besides drink copious amounts of coffee.

2019-06-06T09:59:31+10:00January 2nd, 2015|Breastfeeding Toddlers, Sleep Challenges, Tips to Settle Your Baby|

My youngest boy hates to sleep. And no, this is not just a little phase he is going through, nor is it my fault (although we do like to blame ourselves for these things). He has hated sleep from the second he was born all the way up until now (at just over 2 ½ years [...]


How do I get my kid out of my bed?!

2019-06-17T11:54:35+10:00December 7th, 2014|Attachment Parenting, Breastfeeding Toddlers, Sleep Challenges|

*This is an excerpt from my book which you can find here on Amazon or my website.* “Never let your baby into your bed! You’ll never get them out!”  Have you heard that one before? I did many times as a new mother.  My husband and I were still in college at the time, the [...]


Why Our Breastfed Babies and Toddlers Wake So Frequently…

2019-05-10T14:12:44+10:00October 14th, 2014|Attachment Parenting, Sleep Challenges|

**This is an excerpt from my book, "Boobin' All Day...Boobin' All Night. A Gentle Approach To Sleep For Breastfeeding Families." Click here to find out more or to order. Sleep deprivation is something every mother understands. Being pushed to the brink of insanity from frequent night waking, that feeling of being woken [...]


Blame it on breastfeeding one more time…and I might just throw up a little bit.

2018-10-07T13:15:41+10:00September 26th, 2014|Attachment Parenting, Breastfeeding Toddlers, Sleep Challenges|

Here's the an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant I talk every day to women who are seeking help with breastfeeding. Almost every single one of these women (including myself) have heard someone tell them that "X" is happening BECAUSE THEY ARE BREASTFEEDING. What is this "X" I speak of? Well depending on who you are talking to it can [...]

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