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Cup Feeding

What to do when your baby won’t latch

2020-03-27T08:38:36+10:00March 11th, 2020|Breastmilk and Formula, Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding, Cup Feeding, Low Supply and Relactation, Tongue/Lip Ties and Breastfeeding|

When we have our babies and are planning to breastfeed, it can be heartbreaking and frustrating when our baby just won't latch on. Mothers will often think, "What is wrong with me?! What am I doing wrong?" However, there are many different things to consider and important steps to take if you find yourself in [...]


How do I introduce a bottle to my breastfed baby? And do I have to just in case?

2019-08-02T12:44:06+10:00August 2nd, 2019|Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding, Cup Feeding|

How do you introduce a bottle to a breastfed baby? And do you have to introduce on "just in case" they need it in the future? There are lots of different things you have to think about including if/or how frequently you'll be separated from your baby, your baby's age, and whether or not you [...]


Will introducing a bottle ruin my chances of breastfeeding?

2019-12-03T11:21:05+10:00January 4th, 2018|Creative Breastfeeding, Cup Feeding, Low Supply and Relactation|

Are you destined for breastfeeding failure if your baby has a bottle?...The short answer to this question is "NO". However bottle preference is a REAL possibility and many babies unfortunately do start to show signs of breast refusal. This article will answer why this is and how to prevent it. Nipple confusion. [...]


Cup Feeding A Baby Expressed Breastmilk…Information And Video!

2020-10-06T12:23:45+10:00June 26th, 2013|Cup Feeding, Low Supply and Relactation|

Alternatives to feeding your baby with a bottle...  Feeding your baby with a is not only possible but adorable! There are some great reasons to try a cup instead of a bottle... Many mums have heard the term, "nipple confusion" before.  Nipple confusions happens to some babies because the [...]

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