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Common Breastfeeding Challenges

People blame everything on breastfeeding!

2020-12-14T11:33:48+10:00December 14th, 2020|Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding|

Something wrong? Blame breastfeeding and tell them to wean! Any health care professional who advises a mother to just, "wean" their child abruptly, has NO idea what that would actually look like. I often hear stories from women during consultations where they were told by someone that they "need to wean" due to a variety [...]


Paced bottle feeding your breastfed baby

2020-10-20T07:07:22+10:00October 19th, 2020|Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding|

Have you heard of paced bottle feeding? This is a way of bottle feeding which you can do for any baby. However, for breastfed babies or babies who are primarily breastfed but have bottles when their mother is at work or for occasional times of separation, this can be a great way to avoid over-feeding [...]


The single most effective way to increase your supply!

2020-08-13T06:24:58+10:00August 13th, 2020|Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding, Low Supply and Relactation|

I've written a lot about low supply over the years. How to increase supply, how to drop supplements, myths surround low milk supply...and how YES, low supply is actually A THING! However there is something that drives me bonkers when it comes to low supply advice. Every day I speak with women around the world [...]


Digestive overload and overfeeding…it this actually a thing?!

2020-08-11T06:34:38+10:00August 11th, 2020|Baby Reflux and Spitting Up, Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding|

Every once in awhile something breastfeeding related goes a bit viral and I start to get an influx of questions about a particular topic or start seeing it more in my newsfeed from sponsored posts. The latest topic that's making the rounds is "digestive overload" of a baby. In other words, getting too much milk [...]


How to monitor your baby’s growth, wellbeing and breastfeeding IN ISOLATION!

2021-07-12T14:22:58+10:00April 8th, 2020|Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding|

I'm having a COVID-19 virtual special for women with newborns in isolation. Head here to check it out and sign up! All over the world people are still facing lockdowns and restrictions as they navigate through the COVID-19 challenges. These are very scary times for new mothers, especially if you are concerned with your baby's [...]


What to do when your baby won’t latch

2020-03-27T08:38:36+10:00March 11th, 2020|Breastmilk and Formula, Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding, Cup Feeding, Low Supply and Relactation, Tongue/Lip Ties and Breastfeeding|

When we have our babies and are planning to breastfeed, it can be heartbreaking and frustrating when our baby just won't latch on. Mothers will often think, "What is wrong with me?! What am I doing wrong?" However, there are many different things to consider and important steps to take if you find yourself in [...]


Do I REALLY have to worry about foremilk and hindmilk?

2019-12-18T15:02:46+10:00December 18th, 2019|Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding|

"You have to wait and let your breasts fill up for three hours before you feed again. If you feed them too quickly then your milk won't be fatty enough." "Your milk is too watery. That's why your baby isn't gaining enough weight." "Your baby isn't getting enough of the hindmilk." "Your baby is too [...]


Breastfeed, pump, top-up. Tips for “Triple feeding” and how to eventually stop.

2020-11-02T11:56:15+10:00November 15th, 2019|Breastmilk and Formula, Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding, Low Supply and Relactation|

"Your baby is losing weight so you need to do the following: breastfeed, pump and then top your baby up with that pumped milk."   This is the most common advice women received when their baby is not gaining enough weight. It's called "triple feeding" ...sounds fun doesn't it?!   Not so much! There are many challenges [...]


My baby breastfeeds to sleep…how will I ever be able to leave them?

2019-10-17T14:02:25+10:00October 17th, 2019|Attachment Parenting, Breastfeeding Videos, Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding, Sleep Challenges|

"Will I ever be able to leave my baby?! I'm the only one who can put them to sleep!" I completely understand the anxiety surrounding this. Most of us in the early days can ignore the naysayers who tell us to, "stop creating bad habits" and we happily continue to breastfeed our babies to sleep. [...]


How do I introduce a bottle to my breastfed baby? And do I have to just in case?

2019-08-02T12:44:06+10:00August 2nd, 2019|Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding, Cup Feeding|

How do you introduce a bottle to a breastfed baby? And do you have to introduce on "just in case" they need it in the future? There are lots of different things you have to think about including if/or how frequently you'll be separated from your baby, your baby's age, and whether or not you [...]


4 Myths that can derail your breastfeeding journey!

2019-05-13T12:03:57+10:00February 28th, 2019|Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding, Low Supply and Relactation, Sleep Challenges|

I recently had a consultation with someone who has received some very outdated and simply incorrect advice from her health care professionals. Unfortunately what she was told is not uncommon for women to hear and I felt as though it was time for some Milk Meg MYTH BUSTING!!...MYTH #1 Your baby should be able to [...]


The Milk Meg’s Guide on healing and preventing mastitis

2021-01-07T07:12:36+10:00April 14th, 2018|Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding, Mastitis and plugged ducts|

I have had mastitis twice and each time I felt like I was dying. I was breastfeeding my third little boy (Mini The Milk) for over two years before I got my first bout of it. At that point I had breastfed for a total collective of 8 years [...]


How to be a new breastfeeding mother without losing your shit…

2019-02-01T12:15:06+10:00December 19th, 2017|Attachment Parenting, Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding, Sleep Challenges, Tips to Settle Your Baby|

Often times we feel overwhelmed because we don't know what to expect! We are told 5,694 different ways to do things as a mother and then we're given unrealistic expectations of what babies do. So here IS what to expect with your new breastfed baby... Spend the first few weeks (the first month preferably) just hanging [...]


Why can’t she make enough breastmilk for her baby?

2019-06-06T10:01:18+10:00November 1st, 2017|Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Low Supply and Relactation|

This post is something I have been thinking about for a long time and feel as though it's time for a discussion about low milk supply as it is desperately needed and long overdue. There are a few things that I repeatedly see written in comments on Facebook...including my own page (unfortunately). These include: "You [...]


How breastfeeding saved me from post partum depression…

2019-02-01T12:16:02+10:00October 19th, 2017|Common Breastfeeding Challenges|

Breastfeeding can be challenging and many of us experience advice along the lines of, "Just wean!" or "Why are you putting yourself through this, just give your baby some formula" while we are working through these challenges. For many of us though, breastfeeding actually helps us (and our babies) and we not only choose to [...]


This morning he wouldn’t hug me…

2017-08-24T22:01:19+10:00August 24th, 2017|Attachment Parenting, Common Breastfeeding Challenges|

This morning as my five year old (youngest of three boys) stumbled out of bed into the kitchen, he gave me a sideways glance and as I walked up saying, "Good morning!" with my arms outstretched to hug him, he turned the other way and walked into the living room. "Where is Tim Tam" he [...]


Does breastfeeding cause cavities?

2021-06-22T09:22:36+10:00July 4th, 2017|Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Is It Safe...|

Every week I get messages and emails from people around the world stressing out because their dentist told them they have to stop breastfeeding because of their child's tooth decay. People are told that prolonged breastfeeding or breastfeeding overnight increases the risk of having dental caries. Not only does this not make any sense whatsoever [...]


4 common myths around supplementing a breastfed baby…

2019-03-04T11:27:07+10:00May 11th, 2017|Breastmilk and Formula, Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Low Supply and Relactation|

*Just as with any article you see online, this is not medical advice specifically for you! This is for general information ONLY. It is important to work with your own doctor and IBCLC when assessing your baby's intake.* The myths surrounding breastmilk supply and supplementation keep spreading among social media, scaring women along the [...]


An open letter to the mother who has (or wants) it all…but is going fucking insane in the process

2017-07-24T09:36:25+10:00March 8th, 2017|Attachment Parenting, Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding|

An open letter to the mother who has (or wants) it all...but is going fucking insane in the process, I was born in 1980. This meant that I grew up with a mother who worked outside of the home. I had parents who encouraged me to go to college and get an education. I had [...]


The art of just “being” with your child…

2017-07-24T09:36:25+10:00February 1st, 2017|Attachment Parenting, Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding, Tips to Settle Your Baby|

We all have heard the term, "skin-to-skin" and will often first hear this when we are pregnant. "Don't forget to do skin-to-skin after your baby is born!" Of course tell this to someone in the HOT Queensland, Australian weather (where I live) and they might want to cry. Breastfeeding a baby in 40 (104) degree weather [...]

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