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Breastmilk and Formula

What to do when your baby won’t latch

2020-03-27T08:38:36+10:00March 11th, 2020|Breastmilk and Formula, Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding, Cup Feeding, Low Supply and Relactation, Tongue/Lip Ties and Breastfeeding|

When we have our babies and are planning to breastfeed, it can be heartbreaking and frustrating when our baby just won't latch on. Mothers will often think, "What is wrong with me?! What am I doing wrong?" However, there are many different things to consider and important steps to take if you find yourself in [...]


Breastfeed, pump, top-up. Tips for “Triple feeding” and how to eventually stop.

2020-11-02T11:56:15+10:00November 15th, 2019|Breastmilk and Formula, Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Creative Breastfeeding, Low Supply and Relactation|

"Your baby is losing weight so you need to do the following: breastfeed, pump and then top your baby up with that pumped milk."   This is the most common advice women received when their baby is not gaining enough weight. It's called "triple feeding" ...sounds fun doesn't it?!   Not so much! There are many challenges [...]


4 common myths around supplementing a breastfed baby…

2019-03-04T11:27:07+10:00May 11th, 2017|Breastmilk and Formula, Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Low Supply and Relactation|

*Just as with any article you see online, this is not medical advice specifically for you! This is for general information ONLY. It is important to work with your own doctor and IBCLC when assessing your baby's intake.* The myths surrounding breastmilk supply and supplementation keep spreading among social media, scaring women along the [...]


“Accidental starvation” and why “fed” isn’t best…

2019-11-18T05:56:02+10:00February 10th, 2017|Breastmilk and Formula|

There is this huge push to bring awareness to the "accidental" starvation of breastfed babies to further push the "fed is best" campaign that's floating around. You know, the one that assumes us "lactavists" are all just sitting around trying to find ways to MAKE women breastfeed even if they can't make enough... because ya'll [...]


Dear formula companies, stop trying to convince us your product is just like breastmilk…

2017-07-24T09:36:26+10:00November 1st, 2016|Breastmilk and Formula|

An open letter to formula feeding companies, I recently saw the headlines all over social media and Facebook; {source:} {source:} You came to the conclusion from your "research" [1, 2] that you have discovered a way to put the good bacteria found in breastmilk, into your formula. You then go on to claim [...]


Are The Benefits Of Breastmilk Over-Rated?

2017-07-24T09:36:29+10:00February 28th, 2014|Breastmilk and Formula|

Every time a new study is published the arguing online starts. The defending, the judging, the plain old mean and hurtful comments about infant feeding. Breastfeeding vs. formula. A new study has just been published,  "Is Breast Truly Best? Estimating the Effects of Breastfeeding on Long-term Child Health and Wellbeing in the United States Using [...]


The Formula Feeding, Awesome, Funny Cousin Of The Milk Meg! Formula Feeding Or Breastfeeding…We Are Not At War.

2018-10-07T13:03:50+10:00February 2nd, 2014|Breastmilk and Formula|

I have an awesome extended family and although I live far away from them across the world, we keep in touch and always try to see each other when I travel back home.  My cousin Amy and I have been great friends and LOVE to make fun of each other's parenting styles.  As Amy describes, [...]


Just a few bottles of formula here or there…what’s the big deal?! Breastmilk and gut health

2019-11-14T09:03:31+10:00November 25th, 2013|Breastmilk and Formula|

Within the past decade of working with breastfeeding women and their families, I have come across many people who have given their babies an occasional bottle of formula, a bottle before bedtime or have been told to just “give their baby a top up or supplement with formula” if needed now and then.  Sometimes women [...]


Should I Switch My Breastfed Baby (or toddler) To Cow’s Milk?

2021-01-06T12:49:45+10:00October 6th, 2013|Breastfeeding Toddlers, Breastmilk and Formula, Introducing Solids|

  My Breastfeeding Toddler  Many mums wonder... "Is my milk still important for my toddler?" "Should I wean and switch to cow's milk or toddler formula?"   Have a piece of toast, have a little boob... Let me first tell you what this post is NOT about... ** It is not [...]


Donor Breastmilk For Junipah…One Mother’s Journey

2019-11-12T13:05:13+10:00August 4th, 2013|Breastmilk and Formula, Low Supply and Relactation, Wet-Nursing and Breastmilk Sharing|

Most women who give birth can breastfeed their babies. If this were not the case then we would have died out as a species long ago!  Yet there are some circumstances where a woman is just not able to breastfeed for physical or psychological reasons.  Breastfeeding women have been feeding each other's babies since the [...]

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