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Breastfeeding Toddlers

An open letter to mothers breastfeeding beyond babyhood…I support you.

2019-06-21T10:10:18+10:00February 15th, 2018|Attachment Parenting, Breastfeeding Toddlers, Creative Breastfeeding|

I see you sitting there alone, with your three year old. He is learning other ways to soothe himself now and he gets distracted when you are out and about...but always asks for a breastfeed still when he is tired and needs a nap. I see you hesitate when people ask you, "Oh, you are [...]


Breastfeeding Five-Year-Old TRIPLETS!

2017-07-24T09:36:25+10:00November 9th, 2016|Attachment Parenting, Breastfeeding Toddlers, Breastfeeding Triplets|

I first wrote about Davina many years back when I first heard there was a woman breastfeeding triplets! To hear her journey from the beginning, head here to my category on Breastfeeding triplets. It's amazing and wonderful to read her experiences now, five years later and yes..."STILL" breastfeeding her beautiful triplets. Here she is, in her [...]


Is my breastfeeding toddler normal?

2017-07-24T09:36:26+10:00February 25th, 2016|Attachment Parenting, Breastfeeding Toddlers|

We all go through a similar scenario... Baby is born and we understand that yes, he will breastfeed all the time 24/7, frequently and without any sort of schedule. Then as toddlerhood approaches, we start to question what is happening. They still breastfeed constantly...continue to have days where they are on the boob NON. STOP. [...]


What it’s like sending my breastfeeding, “attached” little boy off to preschool…

2017-07-24T09:36:26+10:00February 8th, 2016|Attachment Parenting, Breastfeeding Toddlers|

How an attachment parent with a breastfeeding almost 4 year old transitions gently into preschool (or "Kindy" as we call it here in Australia)… My almost four year old, little Mini The Milk is “still” breastfeeding. Only just barely left our bed to sleep through in his own bed, in his own room. He slept [...]


And then you were done…An open letter to my 3 year old, almost weaned, youngest little boy…

2017-07-24T09:36:26+10:00November 30th, 2015|Attachment Parenting, Breastfeeding Toddlers|

I could never really believe that you were going to be my final baby. But I know now. I know as I wrap you up in my arms. As I make up little apple slices for your snack. As I hold your hand to cross the street. And as I bring you to my breast. [...]


What to do when your baby hates to sleep…besides drink copious amounts of coffee.

2019-06-06T09:59:31+10:00January 2nd, 2015|Breastfeeding Toddlers, Sleep Challenges, Tips to Settle Your Baby|

My youngest boy hates to sleep. And no, this is not just a little phase he is going through, nor is it my fault (although we do like to blame ourselves for these things). He has hated sleep from the second he was born all the way up until now (at just over 2 ½ years [...]


How do I get my kid out of my bed?!

2019-06-17T11:54:35+10:00December 7th, 2014|Attachment Parenting, Breastfeeding Toddlers, Sleep Challenges|

*This is an excerpt from my book which you can find here on Amazon or my website.* “Never let your baby into your bed! You’ll never get them out!”  Have you heard that one before? I did many times as a new mother.  My husband and I were still in college at the time, the [...]


Breastfeeding Three Year Old Triplets!

2017-07-24T09:36:27+10:00November 18th, 2014|Attachment Parenting, Breastfeeding Toddlers, Breastfeeding Triplets|

"In a few days my triplets will be three years old. They are walking and talking, they are inquisitive and socialised, they eat three meals plus snacks and drink from a cup, they have all their teeth, they are independent. And they are breastfed. Yes, still..." Davina is one of my breastfeeding idols. Her triplets have never [...]


Nine reasons my child is not “too old” to breastfeed…

2019-06-23T16:51:57+10:00November 5th, 2014|Attachment Parenting, Breastfeeding Toddlers, Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Weaning|

I have written before on my blog about the first time I saw a breastfeeding toddler. I was at the house of a mother I had only just met. She was a La Leche League Leader (volunteer breastfeeding counsellor) and mother of two. Her youngest who was about 18 months old at the time, jumped [...]


Blame it on breastfeeding one more time…and I might just throw up a little bit.

2018-10-07T13:15:41+10:00September 26th, 2014|Attachment Parenting, Breastfeeding Toddlers, Sleep Challenges|

Here's the an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant I talk every day to women who are seeking help with breastfeeding. Almost every single one of these women (including myself) have heard someone tell them that "X" is happening BECAUSE THEY ARE BREASTFEEDING. What is this "X" I speak of? Well depending on who you are talking to it can [...]


Breastfeeding My Two Year Old…And Why Gentle Weaning Is Not Just About “When He Is Ready”.

2019-05-10T14:15:17+10:00August 4th, 2014|Breastfeeding Toddlers, Weaning|

"Many times I have heard mothers say, 'I will wean him when he is ready to stop'.  This sounds beautiful and I do agree to a certain extent but don't get me wrong...weaning a child is not just about them.  Breastfeeding is a relationship..." Yes. I am "still" breastfeeding. It's quite [...]


Operation Gentle Night Wean! Video Diary of Meg’s Night Weaning Experiences…

2017-07-24T09:36:28+10:00June 18th, 2014|Attachment Parenting, Breastfeeding Toddlers, Breastfeeding Videos, Sleep Challenges, Weaning|

THE TIME HAS (almost) COME!!! I am exhausted! I have been breastfeeding Mini The Milk throughout the night for 25 months now WITHOUT LYING DOWN! He hates to breastfeed lying down so the, "whip the boob out and fall back to sleep" like I did with my other two boys has not worked for me [...]


The Night Boob! How To Gently Night Wean Your Toddler From Breastfeeding And Bed-Sharing

2019-05-10T14:02:58+10:00January 14th, 2014|Attachment Parenting, Breastfeeding Toddlers, Creative Breastfeeding, Sleep Challenges, Weaning|

**An updated and expanded version of this article can be found as a chapter in my book "Boobin' All Day...Boobin' All Night. A Gentle Approach To Sleep For Breastfeeding Families".** Many of us breastfeeding mums go through the same stages of night time boobing... 1. We have our baby and listen to our instincts [...]


Do Babies and Toddlers Really Need To Breastfeed So Frequently? Fifteen Reasons Your Child Wants To Breastfeed…

2020-01-21T10:08:35+10:00December 29th, 2013|Attachment Parenting, Breastfeeding Toddlers, Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Tips to Settle Your Baby|

No amount of research and scientific findings could ever pinpoint every reason as to why babies and toddlers breastfeed frequently.  No amount of scientific exploration into the composition of breastmilk could grasp the variety of possible answers to the question, "why does my child breastfeed so much?" This is because breastfeeding is much more [...]


How Long Should I Breastfeed My Child For?!… And Is My Child Weaning Or Having A Nursing Strike?

2017-07-24T09:36:29+10:00December 17th, 2013|Breastfeeding Toddlers, Common Breastfeeding Challenges, Weaning|

No matter how supportive people are of breastfeeding, you are bound to come across a very unexpected comment from that particular person whom you felt was 100% behind you and your breastfeeding efforts.  My mother is the perfect example of this.  When my first son was born (over ten years ago, wow how time flies!) [...]


This is what happens when we go to the beach as a family…

2017-07-24T09:36:29+10:00December 9th, 2013|Breastfeeding Toddlers|

This is what I like to think it will be like when we go to the beach as a family...tranquil, peaceful, calm and invigorating. Ha! What a joke! This is what happened yesterday when we decided to go to the beach.  It was annoying, sandy, exhausting and annoying...


From Skeptic To Supporter. My Husband’s Journey…

2017-07-24T09:36:30+10:00November 13th, 2013|Attachment Parenting, Breastfeeding Toddlers, Fathers and Breastfeeding, My Husband's Perspective|

Mick with baby #2 My husband Mick and I had our first baby when we were both nearing the end of our studies at University.  I was pregnant at 21.  I had gone over to Australia to study abroad, met Mick, got engaged a year later and then one month after our engagement [...]


What It’s REALLY Like Breastfeeding A Toddler…

2017-07-24T09:36:30+10:00October 23rd, 2013|Breastfeeding Toddlers|

Here I am as the walking breastfeeder! Breastfeeding a baby is so different to breastfeeding a wild, active toddler. There is so much written about breastfeeding babies, yet there is very limited information for mums as to the realities of breastfeeding to natural term (beyond babyhood). The breastfeeding relationship between a mum and [...]


Should I Switch My Breastfed Baby (or toddler) To Cow’s Milk?

2021-01-06T12:49:45+10:00October 6th, 2013|Breastfeeding Toddlers, Breastmilk and Formula, Introducing Solids|

  My Breastfeeding Toddler  Many mums wonder... "Is my milk still important for my toddler?" "Should I wean and switch to cow's milk or toddler formula?"   Have a piece of toast, have a little boob... Let me first tell you what this post is NOT about... ** It is not [...]

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