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Breastfeeding in Public

Lactaboobiephobia…the documentary!

2018-01-04T12:07:38+10:00July 10th, 2016|Breastfeeding in Public|

A few years ago Anna Kaplan, a documentary producer/film maker contacted me asking if I would be interested in having my blog post "Lactaboobiphobia" turned into a short film. "Um...YES!!" I replied. My post was about a term I coined...   She explained this was going to be apart of a bigger movement called "Bosom [...]


Common Breastfeeding Criticisms And The Research To Bust Them!

2018-10-07T13:20:00+10:00July 3rd, 2015|Attachment Parenting, Breastfeeding in Public, Common Breastfeeding Challenges|

As breastfeeding mothers we hear criticism and questionings from family, friends and strangers frequently.  I wanted to hear from mothers out there on the negative statements and questions people have said to them. I received over 350 comments from people on Facebook when I asked this question!  Here are some of their answers and my [...]


Six reasons I do not have to be discreet while breastfeeding in public…

2018-03-27T20:50:07+10:00May 28th, 2014|Breastfeeding in Public|

“You don’t have to whip your boob out. You should be discreet and modest about it.” “I would never just walk around with my baby sucking on my boob.” "I'm all for breastfeeding and support breastfeeding in public BUT...." Have you heard these gems before? Or maybe you have spoken one or two of them yourself...If [...]


An Open Letter To The Man Who Told Me To Breastfeed In The Toilet…

2017-07-24T09:36:29+10:00January 22nd, 2014|Breastfeeding in Public|

  Dear Mr. Bagel Man, You probably don’t remember me. I sat in your cafe a few years back, eating a bagel with my family. My husband and oldest boy (who was three at the time) sat on one side of the table while I sat on the other side with our two week old [...]


Top Ten Tips For Traveling With Toddlers And Kids!!

2017-07-24T09:36:30+10:00August 22nd, 2013|Breastfeeding in Public|

Well the time has almost arrived for me to travel across the world from Australia to the USA to visit my family.  I have been soooo anxious thinking about the two plane rides on the the way over as I am traveling BY MYSELF with my three kids!!! My husband is Australian and I am [...]


Breastfeeding With My Hair in Foils…Getting Blond While Feeding My Toddler!

2018-10-07T12:54:12+10:00May 27th, 2013|Breastfeeding in Public, Breastfeeding Toddlers| has happened again! Last week, a woman breastfeeding in a hair salon in Melbourne was given half a haircut and then refused service by the hairdresser when she started breastfeeding her five month old. How is this still happening in this day in age? I just don't understand. I have written about this topic before. [...]



2018-10-07T12:46:10+10:00March 25th, 2013|Breastfeeding in Public|

**A short documentary film based on this article will be released in early 2016!!* Click here to view the trailer! Breastfeeding in public should not even be a newsworthy topic.  The fact that we even have to talk about it shows what a sad state our society has reached. This stuff actually makes the news. Millions [...]


The Breastfeeding Mum’s Boobie Wisdom…and Why Actions Speak Louder Than Words!

2018-10-07T12:46:54+10:00March 4th, 2013|Breastfeeding in Public, Tips to Settle Your Baby|

Every mum across the world has at some point or another received advice, whether it was requested or not!  In many (if not most) parts of the world women are surrounded and taught by other women.  Women see each other and learn from each other when they first menstruate, go through pregnancy, give birth, breastfeed…all [...]


Calling All Lactating Women! The Bribie Island Nurse-In

2017-07-24T09:36:32+10:00January 20th, 2013|Breastfeeding in Public|

  Extra! Extra! Read All About it!   The Sunday Mail 20th January 2013 The Sunshine Coast Daily 20th January 2013     On the 12th of January, 2013 Liana Webster took her three kids to her local pool.  While she was sitting there breastfeeding her eleven month old and watching her other two children [...]


Breastfeeding through the holidays…the craziness!

2017-07-24T09:36:32+10:00December 21st, 2012|Breastfeeding in Public, Holiday Breastfeeding|

With only four days to go until Christmas, I am starting to feel the stress and excitement!  At times like this, it can be difficult taking the time to just sit and breastfeed your baby.  You still have wrapping, baking, cooking, yelling at your other children and mentally preparing yourself for relatives to visit all [...]

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